Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Stroll Through Central Park

Strawberry Fields
 Central Park is my favorite New York City destination.  Every time I visit the city, the park tops my list of places to visit.  It's whopping 843 acres offer endless places to explore.  The park holds a special place in my is where I asked my fiance to marry me!  There is no way that I can do justice to all that Central Park has to offer, so I'll just mention a few of my personal highlights in this page. 

What to expect
The park is so vast that your itinerary should depend on how much time you can spend in the park.  If you only have a few hours, I would suggest the itinerary below.  The route crosses from the park from West to East.  The route is a great "museum break" if you are planning on seeing both the Museum of Natural History and he Metropolitan Museum of Art in the same day.  It also stops at some the park's most romantic locations.  If you have time, visit as much of the park as possible.  Exit the subway at West 72nd Street and walk across the street into Central Park, following West 72nd Street.  Look for signs to direct you to Strawberry Fields, the memorial the was created to honor John Lennon.  Lennon was assassinated in 1980 just across the street from Central Park, outside of the Dakota apartment complex where he was living at the time. 
Bow Bridge Central Park

From Strawberry Fields, return to the main road of 72nd Street (keeping the lake on your left side) to view the Bethesda Terrace.  The Bethesda Terrace is an excellent place to take photographs and it has also been featured in countless films.
Exit the Bethesda Terrace along the path that keeps the lake to your right (walking Northwest). You will reach the Bow Bridge, which is my favorite location to take photographs in Central Park.  The bridge stretches 60 feet over the lake. The bridge is one of the few spans in the park that is not made of stone. 

Loeb Boathouse Central Park
Walk over the bridge and continue on the path that keeps the lake on your right side.  A great place to stop and eat lunch is the Loeb Boathouse.
Belvedere Castle Central Park
The boathouse offers several dining options (from formal sit-down to take-out) that fit a variety of budgets.  If you are on a tight budget, I would suggest grabbing a sandwich or salad from the Express Cafe and taking it to eat somewhere out on the park.  From the boathouse, take five minute walk North to reach Belvedere Castle.  Stop in the castle to talk to one the knowledgeable guides before climbing the stairs for a 360 degree view of the park and Manhattan--the photo of the great lawn on the top of this page was taken from the castle.  Belvedere Castle is only open from 10am-5pm and is closed on Mondays, so plan your trip accordingly.

Complete your whirlwind tour of Central Park by stretching your legs or simply vegging out on the Great Lawn (see photo below) , which is located just North of Belvedere Castle.
Great Lawn View from Belvedere Castle Central Park

Just the Basics

  • Location: North Central Manhattan--you can't miss it, the park takes up 6% of Manhattan's area! 
  • Hours: There are no stated opening hours.  The park closes at 1:00 am.   
  • Cost: Free! 
  • Advise: Visit the park every day you are in NYC.  Seriously.   
  • Website:

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