Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Seeing Stars at PARI Observatory North Carolina

Radio Telescope at PARI
Tucked in the mountains between the Blue Ridge Parkway and Brevard is PARI.  PARI (short for the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute) is a non-profit astronomical research foundation that hosts countless astronomical education programs.  The site boasts two large 26 meter radio telescopes and several optical scopes that allow astronomers to probe deep into the heavens.  For expert and novice astronomers alike, a visit to PARI is a unique experience that should not be missed!

What to Expect
The first time I visited PARI, I felt like I had taken a time warp back to the 1960s.  PARI was originally built as a NASA tracking station in 1962.  Much of the decor in the buildings still give off the vibe of the era it was built.  The Natio
nal Security Agency (NSA), took over the site in the early 1980s and used it to gather intelligence.  They have also left their mark on the facility, in the form of barbed wire fence, a sniper tower, a helipad and buildings built to prevent Soviet satellites from spying on PARI.  Even though PARI is now used for educational research, you still get the feeling you are a character in Red Dawn. 
Once you have adjusted to the surroundings, be sure to ask questions about the facility to your tour guide.  There are instruments at PARI studying the atmosphere found nowhere else in the world, telescopes studying emerging galaxies, interns gaining their first hands-on experience in astronomy, and so much more!  PARI also houses a plate collection of pictures taken from telescopes that date back nearly 100 years.  The true beauty at PARI is the continuing research being done to better our understanding of the universe.
PARI is tucked in the Appalachian Mountains

Just the Basics

  • Tours: Public tours are held every Wednesday at 2pm, though you will need to call ahead for reservations.  The cost is $5 for adults and children under ten are free. 
  • Evening at PARI: Another opportunity to visit PARI is at "Evenings at PARI,"  which are held the second Friday of each month.  includes a tour, astronomical talk, and (weather permitting) optical observations.  More information about Evenings at PARI can be found at http://www.pari.edu/about_pari/PublicPrograms/EaP 
  • Advice: If you take part in an "Evening at PARI," bring a flashlight.  The facility was purposely built in a remote part of Transylvania County, high in in the Appalachian Mountains.  The remote location keeps PARI far away from light and radio interference.  Nights that are cloudy or moonless it gets freaky dark! If you visit PARI during the day, bring a camera to capture the natural beauty of the campus and surrounding mountains.     
  • Contact: 828-862-5554 
  • Website: www.pari.edu

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