Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cinnamon Bay Beach Virgin Islands

Cinnamon Bay Virgin Islands
Our cruise ship, the Celebrity Eclipse, stopped at St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands.  We had been given a tip that St. John had better beaches,and decided to give Cinnamon Bay a try.  The beach at Cinnamon Bay was amazing.  However, getting to Cinnamon Bay all the way from Charlotte Amalie may not have been worth all the hassle for only a couple hours of beach-time.  

Getting to Cinnamon Bay
After stepping off of the Eclipse in St. Thomas at Charlotte Amalie, we boarded a taxi van to take us across the island to Red Hook at a cost of $10 per person (a rate set by the government).  From there, were boarded a ferry for $6 to St. John, Cruz Bay.  There is a possibility of taking a ferry for only $12 directly from Charlotte Amalie to Red Hook, but the ferry did not run at times to fit our schedule.  From Red Hook, we took another Taxi for $7 per person to Cinnamon Bay.  Of course, we had to repeat all of those steps on the return trip.  All told, it took us three hours and $43 a person to get to Cinnamon Bay. 

Finally, Cinnamon Bay

Cinnamon Bay Virgin Islands
Cinnamon Bay was rugged and beautiful with a white sand beach, strong surf, and (best of all) FEW TOURISTS!  This is not a beach for those who want a tiki bar, steel drums, and hoards of merchants peddling crap to tourists.  There was a small campground, one cafe, a tiny shop for necessities, and a place to rent kayaks and sailboards. 
If you have the means to take a trip to St. John where you aren't at the mercy of the few hours that Cruise Line excursions offers, I would highly suggest Cinnamon Bay.  For more reasons, just look at the pictures.  Otherwise, your time and money are better spent staying on St. Thomas's beaches, such as Magens Bay. 